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Management. The Executive Board ensures responsible, transparent management that is geared to long-term success and serves the company, its employees and external stakeholders.

Riskmanagement. „You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.“ Anyone who does business is inevitably exposed to a large number of risks. We have developed and implemented a risk management system to identify, assess and systematically address these risks at an early stage.

Sustainability and responsibility. QTM Consulting GmbH u. Co.KG has ever since followed the principle of sustainability. Our goal is the harmonious balance of economic, ecological and social values.

Economy. We manage our growth organically in a balanced manner. In this way we create the basis for sustainable positive development. Our goal is to increase the value of the company without neglecting our values.

Ecology. Environmental protection has been one of our central goals from the very beginning. This includes the economical and sustainable use of resources (paper, electricity, water, ...), in procurement, use and disposal. Responsible management means more to us than continuous growth and revenue generation. Our environment is so close to our hearts that we spare no extra costs and are actively stepping out of our comfort zone: From CO2-neutral sanitary paper to waste collection campaigns and very efficient energy-saving light bulbs to a resource balance that is something to be proud of. Read more here.

Social. It is our aspiration to be able to offer our employees secure and long-term jobs. Closely linked to this are preventive health care, continuing education, training, occupational safety and the promotion of diversity in our company. Discrimination such as sexual harassment, bullying or racism have absolutely no place with us. We are particularly proud of the school sponsorships for several young girls that we have taken on through Asante e.V. in Tiwi, Kenya, to provide them with access to a solid education.

Data protection and information security. Data protection and information security are top priorities for us as an IT company. Our management together with our internal data protection officer ensures compliance with the applicable statutory data protection regulations. The following basic values of information security are decisive for us:

  • Confidentiality: Data and information may only be made available to authorized persons, organizational units or processes and must be protected against unauthorized access.
  • Availability: All business-relevant information and services must be available to users, organizational units or processes when they are needed. All QTM employees and managers comply with the relevant laws and contractual regulations. They are aware of their responsibility in handling data and information and support the security objectives.
  • Integrity: We ensure that no one can change or manipulate personalized data and information unintentionally, without permission and without being detected.

Trust. Mutual trust is a matter of course and a necessity for us. Based on our values, it is important for us to deal with our employees and business partners in a trusting manner: when concluding contracts, in negotiations, in cooperation and in communication.

Human rights.

  • Responsibility: QTM Consulting GmbH u. Co.KG recognizes and acknowledges its responsibility to respect human rights. We are committed to the following principles:
    • UDHR: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    • ILO: the eight core labor standards of the International Labor Organization
    • the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
    • UNGP: the United Nations Guidelines on Business and Human Rights
    We expect all of our employees and business partners to comply with these important guidelines and recommendations.
  • Working conditions at QTM: The working conditions in our company are in line with recognized basic labor standards and applicable laws in Germany.
  • Business partners and suppliers: When selecting business partners, we do not consider the economic factor alone. Environmental protection, occupational safety, legal compliance and social standards are cruicial components of the decicion. We evaluate new and existing business relationships based on these criteria.
    We inform our suppliers about our company's expected standards. If suppliers do not meet our standards or only partially meet them, we seek solutions in a personal conversation. If difficulties persist, we will refrain from a business relationship if possible.
  • Certification: Our services and processes are subject to binding standards and norms. Through regular checks and strict quality management, we continuously strive to ensure the high quality of our work and ensure that it does not pose a risk to people or the environment, through responsible and proper execution.
  • Training: We regularly train our employees to ensure the successful implementation of our processes. Participation is mandatory. All employees are required to immediately report violations of the internal code of conduct and compliance guidelines to management.


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Our values

Growth. As a family business, we want to grow steadily within a healthy framework. That's why we coach both employees and customers with a desire for further training: In personality development, work-health-happiness management, communication skills or individual career design. We are happy to promote in particular what our industry is still lacking: women with leadership ambitions.

Appreciation. Whether customer, employee, cleaner, mailman or furry office friend – we treat everyone with respect. We see ourselves as a learning organization. We try to avoid mistakes. But if we do make a mistake, we don't cover it up, but see it as an opportunity to improve. A positive culture of failures shapes our daily collaboration.

Consistency. This is the basis of our success story. Stable relationships that have grown over the years. Flexibility is our claim and our strength – not a trace of standstill. Satisfied customers are our most valuable asset, which is why we offer all processes from a single source – we are only satisfied when our customers are, too.

Reliability. We take full responsibility for our actions – all because we stand 100% behind what we do. We are always there for you: before, during and after a test project. Your satisfaction is what drives us.

Honesty. We are niche specialists. Open communication is the be-all and end-all of our successful cooperation – whereby we talk to each other, not about each other. This creates a healthy feel-good atmosphere from which outstanding things are created. Day by day.


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Our guiding principles

Viele bunte Luftballons vor dem Sonnenaufgang im Gebirge


Our Motto: „Mastering challenges every day, learning new things, benefiting from knowledge. In a team as well as on one's own responsibility.“

Our Vision: „Supporting companies in making their processes sustainable in order to keep pace in a rapidly changing world.“

Our Mission: „Meet rapid changes with confidence, agility and courage as curious shapers of the future – with intellect and emotion.“


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Our Compliance Structure

The risk of becoming a victim of illegal and unethical behavior is real for every company. That is why any information provided by employees and other stakeholders is of great importance in order to be able to prevent or at least identify misconduct at an early stage. We take responsibility right from the start.
This means that the key factor is prevention. But even if a violation should occur: We show zero tolerance for corruption, fraud or other illegal actions and activities. Why? Because it is a matter close to our hearts to operate honestly as entrepreneurs out of our own conviction. It is our goal to eliminate weaknesses, uncover and clarify misconduct and, in the most severe cases, to punish it.

1. Prevention
  • careful selection of business partners and employees
  • Training of the staff
  • Implementation of the rules and procedures in contracts and business processes (Terms of Conduct, employment contracts, ...)
2. Reaction
  • precise reactions and procedures (according to a defined process)



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